After a while, you realize you can move through this space. With enough concentration, you can float forward.\n\nWhat will you do?\n\n[[Stay where you are|stay]]\n[[Float forward|float on]]
<a href="">"If you'll only listen." (video link)</a>\n\n[[(Transcript)|transcript]]
You keep going forward for what seems like hours. The fog is unchanging: thick, gray, swirling. It doesn't get thicker or thinner. You begin to think this is hopeless when you feel something: a cold shiver down your back.\n\nThere, up ahead, is a glimmering, pearlescent streak.\n\n[[Investigate|investigate]]\n[[Turn back|turn back]]
Everything around you is thick, gray fog. You reach out and run your paw through the fog, watching it swirl around each finger. You know this is a dream, you remember falling asleep, but it all feels so...\n\n[[...real.|real]]
You tilt forward and slide effortlessly through the fog, trying to find, well, anything really.\n\n"Keep going, adventurer. You're almost there," says the quiet voice. "I have much to say, won't you listen? All you need to do is keep going."\n\n[[Stop moving|stay put]]\n[[Keep going|keep going]]
The glimmering streak appears to be about the same size as you. It shakes and pulses, vibrant colors rippling across the surface. Slowly, cracks appear to radiate from it, outwards into the fog. The streak appears to be growing.\n\n"I have so much to tell you..."\n\n[[==>|video]]
You stay where you are, floating gently in place. You close your eyes.\n\n"Where is your adventuring spirit?" says a quiet voice.\n\nYour eyes blink open and you look around, trying to find the source of the voice. There's no one there.\n\n"Come on, don't you want to find the truth?"\n\n[[Stay put|stay put]]\n[[Float forward|float on2]]
You're floating.\n\n[[==>|float]]
html {\nbackground-image: url("");\nbackground-size:cover;\nbackground-repeat:no-repeat;\nbackground-position:center center;\nbackground-attachment: fixed;\n}
You wake up screaming, your heart filled with dread.
You tilt forward and slide effortlessly through the fog, trying to find, well, anything really.\n\n"Keep going, adventurer. You're almost there," says a quiet voice. You stop and look around wildly, trying to find the speaker. Nothing. No one. "I have much to say, won't you listen? All you need to do is keep going."\n\n[[Stop moving|stay put]]\n[[Keep going|keep going]]
The Truth
Feeling uneasy, you ignore the voice and stay where you are.\n\nThe voice sighs. "It doesn't matter. You'll find out eventually. I'll make sure of it."\n\nSlowly, everything around you begins to fade to black.\n\nYour eyes shoot open and you wake up in a cold sweat.
The Truth Teller
Something about that streak fills you with dread. Your paws begin to shake as you try to turn around and float away. Some unseen force prevents that, though.\n\nAs if an invisible hand had gripped you, something forces you to face the glimmering streak and pushes you forward.\n\n[[Accept your fate|investigate]]\n[[Struggle|struggle]]
So you think you\nknow your ancestors?\nWhat did they tell you?\nThat they were heroes?\nThat they were explorers?\nThat they were refugees?\nDid you believe them?\n\nThey were liars,\nyou know\nThey lied to make\nthemselves sound better.\nThe truth is so much...\ndarker.\nGrayer.\nI can show you that truth.\n\n"Beware the color."\nHa. Maybe it would be\nbetter to say the lack of.\nWhat does that mean?\nOh, you'll find out\nsoon enough.\n\nOn the winter solstice,\nI will show you the truth.
You struggle against this invisible force, kicking and scratching at the emptiness before you. Whatever is holding you becomes more forceful, shoving you forward violently. The streak grows ever nearer...\n\nFinally, you break free.\n\n"Fine," spits out the voice, still quiet but dripping with poison. "You'll find out soon enough. You all will."\n\nAnd then suddenly, you're falling.\n\n[[==>|wake]]